It’s normally at this point that every ounce of information, lesson and take-away gathered escapes the brain at a rate of knots, but I can honestly say that if put on the spot, I’d have no problem recalling a myriad of invaluable things I have taken from my time at Arnold Thomson. I’ve spent merely a week here, but I will take forward an experience to remember for a lifetime.
An ethos of care runs rich through the veins of Arnold Thomson… one that extends way beyond the wagging finger of the Solicitors Regulation Authority and its implications for practicing professionals. This comes from the heart of the individuals here, who are notably so invested in their specialisms and obtaining the very best outcomes for their clients. And how does this ethic affect me, as an individual on work experience? Because everyone here has held out their hand to offer that care to me, and made me feel like I am truly part of their working world. Arnold Thomson have tailored a week around my subject interests and ensured that I have felt involved at every level. As a graduate looking to find their niche, I have been amazed by their flexibility and capability to accommodate me.
I have been exposed to sectors outside the remit of my LL.B degree, and seen how the knowledge I have picked up during my three years at University actually transpires into day-to-day dealings with real clients, and their real-life matters. Not only this, but I have seen how Arnold Thomson operates as a whole, from the administrative level, to Director level, and how a real sense of community and consideration is fruitful here.
A sense of warmth has been apparent here, from the moment I walked through the front door of the Towcester office until the last time I closed it behind me this week. Arnold Thomson has given me a true, honest insight into the work I wish to pursue in the future. I feel inspired in the knowledge that my desire to pursue Agriculture is indeed the route for me, and I am genuinely so grateful for their collective kindness in hosting me in their office, helping me to cement this view.
And yes, of course I will remember all of the practical knowledge I acquired over the 5 days, but for the rest of my career, I will always remember the help that I was given at this stage in my life to help me develop. Holistically, this is an experience that I will never not be grateful for. So thank you, Arnold Thomson.
Emma Isley (Work Experience Student)