It Takes a Team
By Kate Austin When an agricultural property client comes to one of my colleagues or myself for advice; whether it be on a property/land transaction,
By Kate Austin When an agricultural property client comes to one of my colleagues or myself for advice; whether it be on a property/land transaction,
It’s normally at this point that every ounce of information, lesson and take-away gathered escapes the brain at a rate of knots, but I can honestly say that if put on the spot, I’d have no problem recalling a myriad of invaluable things I have taken from my time at Arnold Thomson. I’ve spent merely a week here, but I will take forward an experience to remember for a lifetime.
Electronic mail (email) has been around since the mid-nineties and is now the most used form of business communication. Over 300 billion emails are sent every year in the UK alone. That’s a lot of emails.
Lynda and Andy Eadon tragically lost their son, Len, to suicide at 22 years of age. ‘Len’s Light’ is their vision to launch a national awareness campaign on the mental health issues that affect people in the rural community.
Quite often, the particulars on the sale of property and/or land refer to the sale as being subject to “overage”, “uplift” or “clawback” terms. For the purpose of this article, these terms are referred to as overage. Overage agreements are becoming increasingly popular in land sales, and therefore constitute an important feature for both Buyers and Sellers to carefully consider.
With energy consumption at the forefront of our minds at present, many people may not be aware that measures are in place to ensure that
You may have heard about recent changes to trust registration, under the Trust Registration Scheme (TRS). There is a new legal requirement under the scheme, for most trusts to be registered with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) by September 2022.
Having almost completed two weeks of work experience at Arnold Thomson, I have been asked to pen my thoughts and experiences thus far. When thinking
As many of us may have been aware, it was recently Mental Health Awareness Week. The lockdown hasn’t been easy for any of us